‘Group incentives for the public good: a field experiment on improving the urban environment.’ World Bank Economic Review, (Forthcoming) [with Mitchell, T., Holmlund, M.and Fernandez, C.]
‘Manufacturing in Africa.’ (Forthcoming) In: Handbook of African Development (Carmody P. and Murphy, J. Eds.)
‘Imports, supply chains and firm productivity.’ World Development, (2023) 172 [with Rand, J. and Tarp, F. ]
‘Revisiting the size-productivity relationship with imperfect measures of production and plot size.’ American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2023) [with Ayalew, H., Sida, T., Chamberlain, J., Kosmowski, F. and Abay, K. ]
‘Site-specific agronomic information and technology adoption: A field experiment from Ethiopia.‘ Journal of Development Economics, (2022) 156 [with Ayalew, H. and Chamberlain, J.]
‘Body and mind: Experimental evidence from women living with HIV.’ Journal of Development Economics, (2021) 150 [with P. Lubega, F. Nakakawa, G. Narciso, A.N. Kaaya, C. Kityo, and G.A. Tumuhimbise]
‘Shocks and Agricultural Investment Decisions.’ Food Policy, (2020) 94 [with F. Tarp]
‘Introduction to understanding agricultural development and change: Learning from Vietnam.’ Food Policy, (2020) 94 [with S. Singhal and F. Tarp]
‘Corporate Social Responsibility in a Competitive Business Environment.’ Journal of Development Studies, (2020) 56(8), 1455-1472. [with J. Rand, F. Tarp, and N. Trivkovic]
‘Linked in by FDI: The role of firm level relationships for knowledge transfers in Africa and Asia.’ Journal of Development Studies., (2020) 56(3). 451-468. [with J. Page, J. Rand, A. Shimeles, M. Söderbom and F. Tarp]
‘The transmission of socially responsible behaviour through international trade.’ European Economic Review, (2018) 101, 250-267. [with J. Rand, F. Tarp, and N. Trivkovic]
‘Total Factor Productivity in South African Manufacturing Firms.’ South African Journal of Economics, (2018) 86-S1, 40-78. [with F. Kreuser]
‘Investment Financing and Financial Development: Firm Level Evidence from Vietnam.’ Review of Finance, (2017) 21(4), 1639-1674.[with C. O'Toole]
‘Exporting and Productivity: Learning from Vietnam.’ Journal of African Economies, (2016) 26(1), pp. 67-92. [with J. Rand, F. Tarp and Tue Anh]
‘Learning by Exporting: The Case of Mozambican Manufacturing.’ Journal of African Economies, (2016) 26(1), pp. 93-118. [with A. Cruz, J. Rand and F. Tarp]
‘Measuring Industry Agglomeration and Identifying the Driving Forces.’ Journal of Economic Geography, (2015) 165(5), pp. 1055-1078. [with E. Howard and F. Tarp]
‘Technology Transfers, Foreign Investment and Productivity Spillovers.’ European Economic Review, (2015) 76, pp. 168-187. [with J. Rand, T. Talbot and F. Tarp]
‘Property Rights and Productivity: The Case of Joint Land Titling in Vietnam‘ Land Economics, 91 (1) (2015) pp. 91-105 [with F. Tarp and K. van den Broeck]
‘Social Capital, Network Effects and Savings in Rural Vietnam.’ Review of Income and Wealth, 60(1) (2014) pp. 79-99 [with F. Tarp and K. Van Den Broeck]
‘The Impact of Decoupled Subsidies on Productivity in Agriculture: A Cross-country Analysis using Microdata’ Agricultural Economics, 45(3) (2014) pp. 327-336 [with A. Kazukauskas and J. Sauer] available here
‘Financing constraints and agricultural investment: Effects of the Irish financial crisis.’ Journal of Agricultural Economics, 65(1) (2014) pp. 152-176 [with C. O'Toole and T. Hennessy] available here
‘Disinvestment, farm size and gradual farm exit: the impact of subsidy decoupling in a European context.’ American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 95(5) (2013) pp. 1068-1087 [with A. Kazukauskas, D. Clancy, and J. Sauer] available here
‘Industry Switching in Developing Countries.’ World Bank Economic Review, 27(2) (2013) pp. 357-388 [with J. Rand and F. Tarp] available here
‘Quantifying the Economic Return to Participatory Extension Programmes in Ireland: An Endogenous Switching Regression Analysis.’ Journal of Agricultural Economics, 64(2) (2013) pp. 467-482 [with D. Läpple and T. Hennessy] available here
‘Organisational Structure and Managerial Efficiency: A quasi-experimental analysis of German public theatres.’ Homo Oeconomicus, 29(4) (2013) pp. 497-534 [with M. Zieba] available here
‘A Comparison of Stochastic Frontier Approaches for Estimating Technical Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity.’ Applied Economics, 43(27) ( 2011) pp. 4007-4020 [with J. Carroll and F. Thorne] available here
‘Analysing the effect of decoupling on agricultural production: Evidence from Irish dairy farms using the Olley and Pakes approach.’ Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, 59(3) (2010) pp. 144-157 [with A. Kazukauskas and F. Thorne] available here
‘A Double-Hurdle Model of Irish Household’s Foodservice Expenditure Patterns.’ Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Management, 21(4) (2009) pp. 269-285 [with C. Keelan and M. Henchion]
‘A Dynamic Model of the Relationship between Income and Financial Satisfaction.’ Economic and Social Review, 39(2) (2008) pp. 105-130 [with L. Delaney and B. Nolan] available here
‘Quick-Service Expenditure in Ireland: Parametric vs. Semiparametric Approaches.’
Applied Economics, 40(20) (2008) pp. 2659-2669 [with C. Keelan and M. Henchion] available here
‘Evaluating the Productivity Performance of Agricultural Enterprises in Ireland.’ Journal of Agricultural Economics, 58(1) (2007) pp: 128-151 [with A. Matthews] available here
‘The Productivity Performance of Irish Dairy Farms 1984-2000: A Multiple Output Distance Function Approach.’ Journal of Productivity Analysis, 26(2) (2006) [with A. Matthews] available here
‘An Econometric Analysis of Charitable Donations in the Republic of Ireland.’ The Economic and Social Review, 36(3) (2005) pp. 229-249 [with J. Carroll and S. McCarthy] available here
‘Bias in Interview Data created by Presence of a Third Party: Methodological Issues in a Study of Intra-household Deprivation.’ Radstats, 90 (2005) pp. 33-43 [with S. Cantillon]
‘Double Hurdle Model of Irish Household Expenditure on Prepared Meals.’ Applied Economics, 35(9) (2003) pp. 1053-1061. [with A. Matthews and M. Henchion] available here
‘Infrequency of Purchase and Double-Hurdle Models of Irish Households’ Meat
Expenditure.’ European Review of Agricultural Economics, 28 (4) (2001) pp. 393-419. available here
Newman, C., Singhal, S. and Tarp, F. (eds.) (2020) Understanding Agricultural Development and Change: Learning from Vietnam. Special Issue Food Policy
Newman, C., Page, J., Rand, J., Shimeles, A., Söderbom, M., and Tarp, F. (2016) Made in Africa: Learning to Compete in Industry. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.
Newman, C., Page, J., Rand, J., Shemeles, A., Soderbom, M. and Tarp, F. (eds.) (2016) Manufacturing Transformation: Comparative Studies of Industrial Development in Africa and Emerging Asia. Oxford University Press.
O’Hagan, J. and Newman, C. (2014) The Economy of Ireland: National and Sectoral Policy Issues, Twelvth Edition. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. [Earlier editions in 2011, 2008 and 2005].
Kinghan, C., Newman, C. and O’Toole, C. (2020) “Capital allocation, credit access, and firm growth” In J. Rand and F. Tarp (eds.) Micro, small and medium enterprises in Vietnam. Oxford University Press.
Trifkovic, N., Markussen, T., Newman, C. and Rand, J. (2018) “Chapter 21: Corporate Social Responsibility in Vietnam.” In: S. Hsu (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Development in Asia. UK: Routledge.
Newman, C., (2017) “Gender inequality and the empowerment of women in rural Viet Nam.” In: F. Tarp (ed.) Growth, Structural Transformation and Rural Change in Viet Nam: A Rising Dragon on the Move. Oxford University Press.
Kinghan, C. and Newman, C., (2017) “Economic transformation and the diversification of livelihoods in rural Viet Nam.” In: F. Tarp (ed.) Growth, Structural Transformation and Rural Change in Viet Nam: A Rising Dragon on the Move. Oxford University Press.
Narciso, C. and Newman, C., (2017) “Children and the youth in rural Viet Nam.” In: F. Tarp (ed.) Growth, Structural Transformation and Rural Change in Viet Nam: A Rising Dragon on the Move. Oxford University Press.
Education: Market Failure and Government Interventions,’ In: O’Hagan, J. and Newman, C. (eds.), The Economy of Ireland: National and Sectoral Policy Issues, Twelvth Edition. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan (2014).
‘Manufacturing and Internationally Traded Services,’ In: O’Hagan, J. and Newman, C. (eds.), The Economy of Ireland: National and Sectoral Policy Issues, Twelvth Edition. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan (2014).
O’Toole, C. and Newman, C. (2013) “Investment Financing and Financial Development: New Evidence from Vietnam.” In: Beck, T., De Haas, R. and Ongena, S. (eds.), Understanding Banks in Emerging Markets. Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). e-book.
Newman, C. (2013) “Trade Liberalization and Industry Structure: Evidence from Vietnam” In: Brennan, L. (ed.), Enacting Globalization: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Integration. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Batista, C., Narciso, G. and Newman, C. (2013) “Remittance Flows to Developing Countries: Trends, Importance and Impact” In: Brennan, L. (ed.), Enacting Globalization: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Integration. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Education: Market Failure and Government Interventions,’ In: O’Hagan, J. and Newman, C. (eds.), The Economy of Ireland: National and Sectoral Policy Issues, Eleventh Edition. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan (2011).
‘Manufacturing and Internationally Traded Services,’ In: O’Hagan, J. and Newman, C. (eds.), The Economy of Ireland: National and Sectoral Policy Issues, Eleventh Edition. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan (2011).
‘Education: Market Failure and Government Interventions,’ In: O’Hagan, J. and Newman, C. (eds.), The Economy of Ireland: National and Sectoral Policy Issues, Tenth Edition. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan (2008) [with C. Harmon].
‘Manufacturing and Physical Infrastructure,’ In: O’Hagan, J. and Newman, C. (eds.), The Economy of Ireland: National and Sectoral Policy Issues, Tenth Edition. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan (2008) [with J. O’Hagan].
‘Productivity in the Irish Agriculture Sector’ In: Aylward, C. and O’Toole, R. (eds.) Perspectives on Irish Productivity, Dublin: Forfás. (2007) pp. [with A. Matthews and F. Thorne]
‘Education: Market Failure and Government Intervention’ In: O’Hagan, J. and Newman, C. The Economy of Ireland: National and Sectoral Policy Issues, Ninth Edition. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan (2005) pp. 215-242.
Measuring and Understanding Productivity Growth in Irish Agriculture. Kiel: Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel KG (2004). [with A. Matthews]